Think of all the distractions you experience when surfing the Internet: multiple tabs and windows, ads on every sidebar, videos appearing at every new page visit. So how do you grab and keep the attention of your online audiences? Besides inspiring creative, at CRAFT we focus on the psychology of the mind. We look through the lens of a content consumer to learn when, where, why and how long users look at content. That’s the basis for Buffer blogger, Kevan Lee’s post, “The Ideal Length of Everything Online, Backed by Research.”
So what does this mean for your social content? For each social sharing platform, sweet spots exist that will garner higher engagement from your audience. That’s where you want to be. Each audience is different, and each member has different content expectations. But human nature dictates that your audience will immediately judge your content by its length to determine if they want to engage.
We get it — content writers are humans too, so to help remember optimal content lengths across platforms, we created a cheat sheet.
Print it out, share it with your friends, keep it handy, and successfully engage your audience.