Director, Public Affairs
Mike serves as a lead project manager, content developer, and campaign strategist for CRAFT. Whether it is for advocacy campaigns, brand redesigns, or digital content production, Mike aims to deliver high-quality, timely work for clients, while ensuring a smooth and collaborative workflow among CRAFT's talented team members.
Prior to joining CRAFT, Mike worked for trade associations and advocacy organizations in the Washington, D.C. area. He most recently spent four years as the Communications Director at the Washington Area New Automobile Dealers Association (WANADA), where he ran the earned media, publications, and consumer outreach efforts for the association and its flagship event, The Washington, D.C. Auto Show. Prior to WANADA, Mike worked in communications and digital content management for non-profits in the education and financial advocacy spaces.
A native of Montgomery County, MD, Mike spends his free time enjoying the many parks and wildlife areas in the region, or watching whatever type of sporting event happens to be on TV at the given moment. He earned Bachelor's degrees in Journalism and Political Science from the University of Missouri, and a Master's in Political Management from George Washington University.
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